this chance!!!
The topics of the classes are :
Lauantai/Saturday 29.03.2014
1) musicality (all levels) 12.00- 13.30
2) tomas, pasadas y barridas (int) 14.00- 15.30
3) vals turns and the musicality (int-adv) 16.00- 17.30
Sunnuntai/Sunday 30.03.2014
4) colgadas and steps around follower's axis (int/adv) 12-13.30
5) back sacadas for him and her (adv) 14.00- 15.30
And of course, in every class the connection to the music and the partner are an essential part of the training!
Register with a partner via e-mail info@tango.fi
Hinta 15eur/ workshop
Tiedustelut info@tango.fi
El Ático, Kumpulantie 1 (Itä-Pasila), 8. kerros/ 8th Floor
Soita numeroon 045-8560608 kun olet etuovella, jotta voimme ylhäältä avata oven.
Call us on +358-(0)45-856-0608 and we'll open the front door for you from upstairs.
Keskustasta raitiovaunu 9 suoraan oven eteen ja Pasilan asemalta kahdeksan minuutin kävely El Áticoon. Myös linja-autot 22, 59, 505 ja 518 pysähtyvät edessä.
Best connection with tram number 9 that stops in front of the building.
Tervetuloa!!! Bienvenidos!!!
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